Adapted Podcast
ADAPTED PODCAST explores the experiences of Korean adoptees, from post-reunion stories, living in Korea as adults, identity and belonging and more. Since the 1950s, an estimated 200,000 Korean children were sent overseas for adoption to about a dozen countries. This transnational movement of children from Korea set a global precedent in intercountry adoption. But for decades, what was known about adoption was written and spoken about by non-adopted researchers and adoptive parents. These narratives not only failed to center the voices of adult adoptees, they presented intercountry and transracial adoption from the perspectives of parents who who didn’t understand the complicated racial complexities for adopted children of color in transracial families or the trauma of losing one’s first family and having been severed from one’s native country, culture and language. Now, 70 years since intercountry adoption began, adult adoptees have reclaimed the narrative and established themselves as the experts on their own experience. Every story is personal and different. The common thread of transracial and intercountry adoption links us.
🔗 https://adaptedpodcast.com/
Den talande tystnaden
Maria Diemar, adopterad från Chile och Lisa Wool-Rim Sjöblom, adopterad från Sydkorea, avhandlar adoptionsfrågor från ett feministiskt, antirasistiskt och avkoloniserande perspektiv.
Adoptees On
Adult adoptees share stories of search, reunion, and secondary rejection. Adoptees On also curates recommended resources to encourage and educate the adoption community about adoptee issues.
Chileadoption.se är en förening som arbetar för att göra Chile-adopterades röster hörda.